Saturday 7 June 2014

Hiding with Sugarman

I am away for the weekend with family, parents, grandparent, cousins, second cousins etc. etc. Today I have snuck off to work for a couple hours and listen to this song. Have you seen the film? I haven't, but I want to.

Monday 2 June 2014

The Raveonettes

An American friend of mine asked me to introduce her to some Danish music, and it made me think firstly of  and secondly of The Raveonettes that I used to listen to a lot when I was younger. I had their CD's and used to listen to this song a lot: Love in a Trashcan

(and this is a screen shot from the music program, Boogie, that I saw on tv in the early 2000s.)

The Lisa Simpson Book Club

I am working from home today. And spending time on the internet hanging out on this blog: